Tag Archives: parents

In Daddy’s Arms

15 Nov

The little girl was scared…waking in the recovery room to the most excruciating pain she had experienced in her 6 years. Her screams could be heard down the hospital corridor. Mama and Daddy did their best to comfort her to no avail. Soon the pain medicine would kick in and it was hoped she would respond well and sleep.

She was restless and pained all the time still screaming. Mama tried rocking her daughter, murmuring soothing words to the child barely aware of what was going on around her. Daddy switched places and held his little girl in his arms. Burying her swollen face into the curve of his neck, at last she slept.

The young pastor had made the trip to the hospital in order to be there for moral support to the young couple. As the child slept he prayed the worse was behind. Asking the Heavenly Father to bring peace and comfort and to erase any bad memories as if from a dream fading with morning light. After reassuring the parents of continued prayer he made his way out of the room—leaving behind a stuffed bear in the little girls favorite color—purple.

Waking she spied the toy—hey, what’s that? She wanted to know…and the worst was over. Sleeping off and on all the way home the little girl had survived her first medical intervention and was on the way to mending. No parent wants to see their child suffer. The benefits far outweighed the discomfort and pain of the surgery. Within days she had barely any recollection of the time in the hospital. Holding her two new toys close she cuddles them in her arms much like Daddy had held and cuddled his young daughter.

Is it any wonder we are encouraged to have faith as a little child? The little girl felt safe in her father’s arms. We are God’s children. He knows what we need before we seek it, what we are feeling in fear, joy or pain. He extends his Hand of mercy and comfort when we need it most. It is up to us to either fight those efforts or accept them and rest in His care.

My friends if you are struggling with something—regardless of what, reach out to the Father and in His arms find rest, in His embrace find comfort. None of us travel this journey alone unless we choose to. I find I am reminding myself of this as much as anyone reading. Be blessed my friends and relax in the peace to be found in His arms.

Doing the RIGHT Thing

17 Jul

The morning began with a smile—always a good sign. “Why did the blonde write T.G.I.F inside her shoes?” (To remember that Toes Go In First!) Yes, the day began well. Helping my charge with her dressing needs I reach for the opposite foot than the one she raises. Pausing I adjust to suit her need. We chuckle as she confides a bit of OCD by always starting with the right side. Right hand, right foot, brushing her teeth and hair from right to left. Not exactly OCD but a dominance attesting to her right-handedness. I joke that I can comply as I am ambidextrous.

For many years, educators felt it necessary to have all students conform to the right-handed world. I recall my brother having his wrist slapped with a ruler by the teacher whenever he chose to use his left hand. Forced to use the opposite hand than was comfortable his handwriting suffered. With pencil in his left hand he could produce beautiful drawings, while forced to use his right produced only squiggles.

Thinking along those lines I discover a lesson of sorts. We should all aspire to do the right thing. It should be a conscience choice to do so—yet second nature. So why then do we seem to have a generation of individuals who have no sense of right and wrong? Personally I believe we have failed to clearly stand up for what is right. In so doing the line defining right behavior from wrong is blurred. Sadly it is all tied to freedom of choice. The concept prevails that truly free people must be free to make mistakes. I agree on principle yet when the practice lacks the consequence it fails miserably.

The courts have been filled with cases of personal injury claims for individuals who failed to follow the given directions resulting in injury—and they win. There is something inherently wrong with the society who punish those trying to do right while protecting the wrong doers.

Back to my original observation… my ambidexterity allows adjustments to left and right preferences in daily routines. I am able to use either left or right hand for a host of activities. There are also those things that are just easier to accomplish if I adjust to a handedness dominance. That I choose one hand over the other as a personal preference should not matter as long as I complete the task. Yet if I fail it is also my choice and I must face the consequences.

One philosophy that I have embraced for many years is the concept of logical consequences. To the child who refuses to wake up on time—after numerous warnings, allow the logical consequence of being late take its toll. Which is why I was astonished to learn of the school district fining and even jailing parents in response to their child’s tardiness at school. By taking away the consequence of wrong behavior we communicate that it is acceptable to continue the behavior since it does not negatively effect the child.

Another instance held a parent responsible for the actions of a rebellious child when he chose to run away from home. As mom was being arrested—yes arrested, the 10-year old child smiled and munched on the cookies and soda he was given by police. In other words he has already learned at age 10 that he can gain rewards if he eludes mom and then fabricates a cause. No wonder our nation is in such a state. God help us all.

Finding Peace

20 May

Today’s generation has a myriad of issues to deal with from a poor economy, sky rocketing prices to childhood obesity rising at an alarming rate. Many find they are sandwiched between caring for their aging parents as they simultaneously juggle the activities of their own growing children. Those who are not blessed with attentive adult children who do not wish to reside in a nursing home are forced to rely on hired help in their declining years. A friend employed as a fulltime home manager for just such a couple shared her experience.

St. Anthony—the patron saint of lost causes is one saint I am sure many even outside the faith call upon…every time they cannot find a treasured item or need encouraging along life’s path.  My research shows the prayers to St Anthony vary but a popular prayer is as follows:

Saint Anthony, perfect imitator of Jesus, who received from God the special power of restoring lost things, grant that I may find (mention your petition) which has been lost. At least restore to me peace and tranquility of mind, the loss of which has afflicted me even more than my material loss.

My friend was the caregiver who attended to Vito’s needs. He often referred to her as his personal St Anthony—because she always had an answer, idea or resolution to his problem. Whether it was a lost set of keys or misplaced piece of favorite jewelry…she always found it. When he was observed using silverware to extract a piece of wedged toast from the toaster she provided him with a safe means of retrieving his toasted bread. She certainly didn’t want him to hurt himself by getting shocked.

Everyone got to hear how St Anthony saved his life and how appreciative he was to her for her devotion. It was no secret that his caregiver was a woman of faith—even though she didn’t share the same church affiliation as he. So strong was his faith in her that when he lay near death wailing inconsolably in his fear of condemnation—it was to his own personal St Anthony that he turned for comfort.

Vito was a chemist by trade. Years before he played a large part in creating the first birth control pill manufactured. This went against all his religious doctrine. Near death he worried that his part in this business would somehow prevent him from entering his eternal rest in peace at his journey’s end.

He voiced his lament and was not disappointed when she had the answer—ask for forgiveness. It was that simple, yes, his St Anthony did indeed have the answer to his ‘lost cause.’ She didn’t waste time in long explanations but lead him in a prayer of forgiveness. He passed away quietly and in peace with his maker.

So my friend, when you feel you have lost all hope—all is not lost…tell God your need and don’t forget to thank Him for what He alone can do.

Long walks and dark chocolate

Life as a mom, nana and follower of Christ; hoping to share from lessons learned

A Word in Your Ear

Stories and Photographs of my travels, Tales of friends, family, animals and my life

Outside The Lines

Fun readings about Color, Art and Segmation!