Tag Archives: toilet paper

Turn it Around

17 Oct

Have you ever stopped to look at something simple only to discover on closer examination a new concept with tremendous depth from the observation? I have had many such observations but few as remarkable as that of the roll of bathroom tissue.
It seems there are many who battle over the “right” way to reload a roll of bathroom paper–personally I have never had a preference beyond the sincere hope that whomever used the last of the paper would in fact replace it with a fresh roll. However, there are “over the toppers” vying for supremacy against the ” down unders” dividing households.
A dear friends mother shared her logic at having a preference as to the direction of the paper. Individuals suffering with chronic pain are always on the lookout for ways to be more independent. She had discovered there is less of a struggle to reach the paper if it is dispensing from the top down and not the bottom up. Turning the roll around I found she was absolutely right. Changing the distance between roll and recipient made a huge difference. As one who struggles with muscle pain I could see how this could be the difference between self reliance and needing assistance at a particularly vulnerable and personal time.
So what is my point–after nearly a 3month hiatus from blogging I admit to being a bit rusty you didn’t really believe I had only bathroom habits on my mind did you? My point is this, as you continue on your journey, don’t be afraid to help those struggling along side of you—you may just learn something. Even if to you it may seem insignificant.
If you are currently struggling with a difficult issue, stop–try turning it around to see it from the opposite side. By changing your thinking it might surprise you and find the solution you were looking for. Doing something the same way over and over expecting different results is Einstein’s definition of insanity. After years of conditioning to respond only one way to certain life issues I now find it liberating to be responsible for my own decisions and actions.
My success or failure rests in my own hands. I am responsible for the outcome of those decisions. Yes, I do make poor choices from time to time–with no regrets. Every choice, every motive, every decision has had something to teach me. With each lesson I move closer to the me I was created to be.
Perhaps you are like me and your answer is waiting one step away and all you need to do is turn around. Change your viewpoint, look at life from another’s point of view. Put a little distance between you and your troubles. Just keep moving and live loving the journey.

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