Tag Archives: sales

What are you Selling?

6 Jul

Attended my first auction and managed to be outbid on every item I wanted. This was probably a good thing as the proceeds were for a local need and very worthy cause. It being my first experience has of course become blog fodder.

I was fascinated by the barkers lyrical cadence as he grabbed the attention of the good folks looking to support the cause.

“Now wouldn’t you just love to have this bath combo? Smells good and hey it IS Saturday night.”

He pointed out the unique qualities in order to interest the buyers. Once the bidding started it was competitive as one out bid the next as if daring the others to up the bid.

In another room items were set up for a silent auction. Each item had a bid sheet where you wrote an amount and your name, etc. Checking back I noticed an item I had bid on had a competitor. No sooner had I upped my bid than the other bidder DOUBLED the bid. I laughed and conceded. She shared how a hard to shop for friend admired the item and would soon have a birthday. She was definitely claiming the item at any cost. And so the evening went. Wanting to do my part in supporting the cause I managed to claim an item and cheerfully paid the cashier at the auctions end.

Society today is doing a great job of “selling” us on a concept. Years ago it was ads for cigarettes—always showing young, fit and beautiful models pleasantly puffing away as if to imply you too could be this young looking fit and beautiful if only…(Of course we all know what a lie that was.) So I ask, what are you selling?

Perhaps you are putting yourself out there for the highest bidder…advertising only the attributes you believe are in demand. Hey, you smell good and it’s Saturday night. Maybe you are silently on the fringe hoping SOMEONE will notice you and make an offer. Are you on the shelf assuming there is no market for what you have to offer—afraid of rejection?

Overhearing a conversation about an item being heatedly bid on I had an epiphany. The item was a single pecan pie made by a friend’s mother-in-law. It sold for a price any caterer would salivate over. His remark, “It’s worth every penny too—though I get it free.”

You see value isn’t necessarily tied to the price tag. Whether the pies were lovingly prepared for a family gathering, funeral repast of a lost friend or donated to be sold to the highest bidder for a worthy cause… it was still the same pie.

All too often we find ourselves with a “finger I one too many pies” spreading our time, talents and energy on wasted causes. You have value—don’t sell yourself short. Don’t remain on the shelf or silently hoping to be noticed then sulk and complain you are alone.

Yes, you have value. Finding the right relationships means risk taking. Yes, there will be those who entice you into giving of yourself—only to dismiss you later when you fail to meet their expectations. Yes, there will be those who have no clue of your real value—and those who will do whatever it takes to appreciate your worth. You will always be you—as God created you to be. Regardless of the packaging, everyone has value to someone. My advice…wait for and go home with the right bidder. Live loving the journey.

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